BMJ Open: open access medical journal.
Our own translation journal
"An online service for journal content published by IOP Publishing." Many areas of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics. Seems to sometimes include full articles.
Searchable and browsable, "Clear answers for common questions" as articles in many different categories, including Technology and Gadgets, Internet and Computers, Manufacturing and Industry, Science and Engineering, Anatomy and Physiology, Medicine and Treatments, Health and Wellness, Attorneys and the Law, and many others.
Pointed out by Kirill Sereda. Huge collection. (multilingual)
MD&DI (Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry Magazine). Searchable.
Check out the other online magazines also available at Medical Device Link (menu bar below search box). is a project of the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), and indexes freely accessible full-text scientific articles. Provides links for downloading. Searchable.
Searchable (free abstracts) database of all available journals and conference papers published by the OSA (Optical Society of America). Good resources for optics and photonics.
Alfredo Fernández Martínez says this site has news articles in 10 European languages. Also discussion forums. (Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish)
Atrium: The Report of the Northwestern Medical Humanities and Bioethics Program. A sporadically published journal. Many interesting articles on medical and bioethics.
Free registration for AAAS Science Magazine online - access to articles older than 1 year. Free abstracts for all issues.
Paul Frank: "94 free access 'linguistics' journals."
Paul Frank: "134 free access 'languages and literatures' journals"
Check these for free access.
Smithsonian Magazine online. Articles, videos, pictures, etc. Categories: History & Archaeology, People & Places, Science & Nature, Arts & Culture, and Travel.
Pollution Engineering. Searchable journal. (English)
Free access to preprints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology and Statistics.
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. Free online access to this journal. (English)
European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields: Free online access to experimental papers in this journal. Other parts of EP Journal (A, B, D, E, ST, AP) can also include "open access" (free...) articles at the request of the authors. Keep checking - they are trying to move to all open access.
Paul Frank found these sources of free history articles:
The American Historical Review.
The Journal of World History.
Listing of more free history journals.
Search page for the History Cooperative.
From Paul Makinen: Croatian newspapers.
Ruud Harmsen says: "Browsable and searchable: historical Dutch newspapers. Projects to scan more of them are underway."
Scientific research journals of the Royal Society (UK) now provide free online access to all articles 12 months after publication, and they are trying out immediate free access when the authors pay the modern equivalent of page charges.
Peter Suber's list of open-access resources, to keep up on the latest concerning free access to online journals.
Search for article citations for the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.,6493,148756,00.html
Assembly magazine. From Chemical and Engineering News, p. 60, Jan. 23, 2006: In addition to the iTunes directory of science podcasts (downloadable audio files for the iPod or MP3 player), here are a few others. Might be worth checking out your other favorite magazines/journals for podcasts by adding /podcast to their homepage:
Podcasts from the journal Nature.
Podcasts from the journal New Scientist.
More podcasts about science. Not what it sounds like .... They're all fully clothed: "The Naked Scientists are a media-savvy group of physicians and researchers from Cambridge University who use radio, live lectures, and the Internet to strip science down to its bare essentials, and promote it to the general public. "
Robert Stoll found this link to newspapers on the net. Just click on the flag for the appropriate country.
François Lavallée found this online archive of Austrian Newspapers, 1780-1935.
Paul Frank pointed out this new Google search engine feature: "Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web." You can also alert Google to your own article (instructions in the "About Google Scholar").
Searchable past issues of Hospital Practice. Good source of reading material on various medical subjects, although no new issues since 2001.
Searchable archives for American Heart Association journals: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology; Circulation Research; Hypertension; Stroke
Denzel Dyer provides this page for "some information of possible interest to people wanting to get into pharmaceutical translation. It includes URLs for several magazines in the field."
Here you can search the Journal of the American Ceramic Society and view the abstracts. Nonsubscribers can also purchase individual articles online.
The Translation Geek Daily News (includes archives). Margaret Schroeder issues this warning: "Don't go there if you're staring a deadline in the eye, save it for a down period, and enjoy."
Packaging Digest: Helpful online resource for anything about packaging.
Nathalie Duverseau points out this site, that "helps find interesting articles in various scientific and non-scientific journals such as the Journal of Management, American Journal of Health Studies, etc."
The Russian general science magazine Priroda online.
Susan Larsson suggests this site for links to "4405 newspapers from 165 countries."
All but the current issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (the Archives) are available online and searchable free of charge. Starts with 1990 issues.
The Electronic Telegraph, a British weekly pointed out by Margaret Marks (searchable archives). Margaret says: “You have to join and give yourself a password, but there’s no charge.” She also pointed out a March 1998 article on digital mapmaking in Britain (look in the archives for March 1998, key word maps).
Links to scientific journals, dictionaries, etc. online.
David Bean says “The New York Times is now online, in a free version. The whole newspaper, as far as I can tell.”
Oil and Gas Online site. Also can sign up for free e-mail newsletter.
Free e-mail Laboratory Network newsletter. Also can sign up for free e-mail newsletter.
This is listed as Physics Journals on the Net, but actually also includes links to more general science magazines such as The New Scientist, Science, and Nature: