Marie-Louise Desfray found this "SAP multilingual termbase."
Jennifer Chase is a member of this organization. The website a great guide on how smoking accelerates cancer and how to quit smoking.
Kirill Sereda suggests this site from IHE-J (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Japan).
BMJ Open: open access medical journal.
"An online service for journal content published by IOP Publishing." Many areas of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics. Seems to sometimes include
full articles.
The main sources of TheFreeDictionary's Medical Dictionary are Stedman's Medical Dictionary and Dorland's Medical Dictionary.
Searchable database of drug information for both consumers and health professionals.
Searchable and browsable, "Clear answers for common questions" as articles in many different categories, including Technology and Gadgets, Internet and
Computers, Manufacturing and Industry, Science and Engineering, Anatomy and Physiology, Medicine and Treatments, Health and Wellness, Attorneys and the
Law, and many others.
Free access to full-text current issues and archives of four medical journals published by HMP Communications: The Journal of Invasive Cardiology, Cath Lab
Digest, EP Lab Digest (electrophysiology information), Vascular Disease Management.
From Kirill Sereda: HON Select - A multilingual search
tool for medical terms. 33,000 medical terms so far. Includes MeSH terms,
scientific articles, healthcare news, web sites, and multimedia. (English,
French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch)
From Kirill Sereda: Translations of the STROBE Statement
(Strengthening the Reporting of Observations Studies in Epidemiology).
Translations of the statement in Chinese, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese,
Persian, Portuguese, and Greek. Translations of STROBE explanatory paper in
Spanish and Japanese. Other clinical trial terminology resources.
From Kirill Sereda: Equator Network gives "a nice
summary of [clinical trial] guidelines translated into Spanish." Equator =
Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research. (English, Spanish)
From Kirill Sereda: For searching medical subject
headings (MeSH) in Italian and English.
Michael Burns describes this medical transcription dictionary's special feature: "You can try to find terms in three different search boxes based on
whether you have the beginning, some part of the middle, or the end of a term: common situations for medical terms." The site says it is a "search engine
designed exclusively for searching medical terms, abbreviations, and drugs." Also supports wildcard searches. (English)
Another one from Michael Burns: The talking genome dictionary is now bilingual (Spanish/English). It is now possible "to jump from the term in one language
to that term in the other. You can also hear an explanation of the concept in either language, which includes yet more relevant terms. The spoken
explanation is not the same as what is written, however, although it covers the same ground." (Spanish, English)
From Kirill Sereda: CONSORT = Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials, an organization trying to improve the quality of reporting of clinical trials.
Includes a collection of translations of CONSORT documents. (English, Chinese, French, Greek, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish)
Kirill Sereda says: "In the glossary, click on a Japanese term and its definition, both in Japanese and English, will be shown to you." (Japanese, English)
Kirill Sereda found this FR-EN Glossary of Medical and Molecular Genetics. (French, English)
Kirill Sereda points out this Health Technology Assessment Glossary. (English, Spanish, French)
Kirill Sereda says this is a "promising website for multi-lingual medical terminology." EHTOP = Electronic Health Terminology/Ontology Portal. You do need
to subscribe, but it seems to be free of charge for individuals.
Andy Bell suggests this Ophthalmology dictionary. (German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Croatian, Russian, Greek, Turkish,
Japanese, Swedish)
Microbiology and Immunology Mobile. Can be read either on a desktop computer or a mobile platform.
IUPAC Glossary of Terms Used in Toxicology.
Glossary of Terms and Symbols Used in Pharmacology.
Kirill Sereda found this archive of originals and translations of evidence-based medicine-related materials: French, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, English.
Kirill Sereda also found this source of medical glossaries from The Cross Cultural Health Care Program. They're for sale in the STORE tab, but show sample
Margaret Schroeder passes along this resource for English, Portuguese, and Spanish health vocabulary.
The US National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) has a large volume of documents available online now. Searchable. (English)
Useful little animations illustrating various aspects of dentistry, along with good questions and answers. (English)
Many detailed resources on Biomedical Optics and Medical Lasers.
Glossary of Common Biomedical Textile Terms. (English)
Medscape Mobile from WebMD (for iPhone, Android, iPad, Blackberry). Free app. Drug and disease reference, medical news, etc. Check the app store for your device, search for "Medscape".
"This compendium of Pharmacy Dictionaries contains terminology pertaining to pharmacy and all facets of pharmacology terms with long and detailed explanations and a richness of crossreferences." Includes Drug Information Glossary, Pharmacology Glossary, and Drugs@FDA Glossary. (English)
The Oregon Medical Laser Center has a good collection of detailed notes on various relevant topics in laser photomedicine and biomedical optics. (English)
Matthew Schlecht found this glossary of clinical trial nomenclature glossary (in UK English), including many abbreviations.
Matthew Schlecht suggests this searchable French-only medical glossary.
Searchable reptile database. Covers snakes, lizards, turtles, amphibians, crocodiles, etc. Scientific names, synonyms.
Kirill Sereda suggests this "specialized search engine for life sciences" which can turn up material not found on Google. Also a nice collection of lab-oriented comics...
Good practical information on pathology studies. Michelle Asselin passes along this link for medical translators, particularly those translating into French. Use the Pharmaterm link at the very bottom of the page to access articles on specific terms used in the pharmaceutical industry. Detailed discussion of problems involving French equivalents for English terms. (French, English.)
Susan Larsson found this interesting multilingual medical physics dictionary: "Currently the Dictionary includes 25 languages: English, French, German, Swedish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic, Estonian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Thai, Turkish, Bengali, Bulgarian, Czech, Greek, Latvian, Russian, Slovenian, Chinese, Persian, Malay...The Dictionary translates terms between any two languages." The first link is temporary, the second link will be its final home. is a project of the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), and indexes freely accessible full-text scientific articles. Provides links for downloading. Searchable.
Toxipedia is a wiki website for topics in toxicology, particularly as related to environmental and public health. The glossary is searchable and browsable.
Sister site to Toxipedia, on Integrated Pest Management (IPM): "IPMopedia offers free and up-to-date integrated pest management advice direct from green gardening experts. Whether you need to identify and eliminate a troublesome pest, find the perfect plant species for a new project, or brush up on the latest planning and design tips, IPMopedia has the tools and information to help you stay green, healthy, and informed."
MD&DI (Medical Device & Diagnostic Industry Magazine). Searchable.
Check out the other online magazines also available at Medical Device Link (menu bar below search box).
Karen Tkaczyk found this botany glossary useful. Can choose French or English alphabetical sort.
Mandy Rogers says this is "a fine alphabetical medical/health directory from think it's even a touch easier to navigate than WebMD."
Amazing collection of photos of slime molds, "micro mushrooms that grow on plants." Might take a while to load, but well worth the wait. Don't know how the host plants feel about it, but they look beautiful to me.
Yves Lanthier found this site with photographs of birds (also insects etc.) plus Latin names. (French and English) and other links.
Downloadable English-Interlingua biology glossary.
Atrium: The Report of the Northwestern Medical Humanities and Bioethics Program. A sporadically published journal. Many interesting articles on medical and bioethics.
Free registration for AAAS Science Magazine online - access to articles older than 1 year. Free abstracts for all issues.
If you have a Palm OS or Windows OS pda, here are some freeware useful for medical students and physicians/nurses. Might be worth browsing through the screenshots and descriptions if you do medical work. Has links to other sites. (English)
Those of us who fondly remember Archie the Cockroach, who had the transmigrated soul of a poet and banged out lower-case-only poems painstakingly every night on an old typewriter in the newspaper office (he would have greatly appreciated the caps lock key on modern computers), may relate to this Cockroach Caresheet. The main site of the Bug Club (Amateur Entomologists' Society) has other buggy resources also. Apparently the Madagascan Hissing Cockroach makes a great pet. Who knew?
Matthew Schlecht passes along this url: Product Information Templates from the European Medicines Agency "apparently available in all EU languages."
Dictionary of Ichthyology. (English)
Swiss Water Pollution Control Association glossary. Includes terms plus explanations. (German, French)
Dictionary of Cancer Terms in English and Spanish from the National Cancer Institute.
Carolyn Perkes found this site with quite a few links to resources for "Archaic Medical Terms". (English)
Encyclopedia of Life. Michael Osmann says, "This site should prove useful to anyone who is doing translations relating to field biology, taxonomy, ecology and related fields."
Free access to preprints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology and Statistics.
Quick Identification Guide to Apple Postharvest Defects & Disorders Cards. Pictures and descriptions. Arthropod damage, diseases, physiological disorders, mechanical/field injury, fruit finish. Also other links: Sunburn & Fruit Finish, Postharvest Pathology. (English)
Apple Varieties for Home Production. Very long list of apple varieties. (English)
OpenCourseware: MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) course materials are available for free to anybody "spanning MIT's entire curriculum": Architecture and Planning, Engineering, Health Sciences and Technology, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, Management, Science, etc. (English)
Michael Röhrig says this "Allergy guide and food additives in all EU languages [is] not only useful for translation."
Jo Ann Cahn recommends this "anatomy lesson" site: "for anyone who sometimes needs to figure out what things are where and how they are related."
Steven DeWitt found this downloadable dental hygiene French-English lexicon.
Carolyn Perkes found a site that gives recordings of birdcalls and transcriptions.
"Aquarium Cams" from Monterey Bay Aquarium. Not just fishies: penguins, for example.
John Ruane from FAO has notified us about the 2nd edition online for the Glossary of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. Now in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic with Russian, Serbian, and Vietnamese coming soon. Also the Arabic, English, French and Spanish versions are available on a cdrom - contact for more details.
Michael Burns says this is "A light and fast search engine that searches multiple medical dictionaries, journals and other things at one go. English, with a link to a Korean version."
Alan Johnson suggests this Glossary of biodiversity related terms from the
European Community Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism.
Alan Johnson also suggests this Multilingual Glossary of technical and
popular medical terms in nine European Languages.
Carlos Libenson suggests this "nice agricultural source for many languages."
Michael Burns discovered this Bacteria Museum. Loads of information about the ones who really rule the world.
Rene von Rentzell says, "And if you get to our neighbourhood, you can visit the Parasite Museum here in Meguro [Japan]." People not in the neighborhood can take the virtual tour and enjoy the enthusiastic descriptions of the very real exhibits. Just click on the little pictures at the bottom of each page to continue your tour.
>From Paul Makinen: Plant name database (multilingual).
Zahnwissen Lexikon: German explanations of dental terms, with English terms included. Some pictures and drawings.
From Egg To Chick: A Guide to the Study of Incubation and Embryonic Development. (English)
Glossary for Developmental Biology Laboratory. (English)
Henry Whyte points out "what looks like an incomplete list of international nonproprietary names for medicinal products" from the World Health Organization.
"A Plants, Animals, and the Environment glossary derived from leading WCB/McGraw-Hill textbooks in zoology, botany, environmental science and marine biology." (English)
Nice medical statistics glossary. (English)
Peter Tuffley found Gray's Anatomy online in all its glory. Enjoy! Susan Larsson found this "international classification of functioning, disability and health ... there is a dropdown menu where you can change the language." German>English medical dictionary. Not for the squeamish, but OR-Live features webcasts (real-time and archived) of real surgeries. Can also send queries, browse forums and other resources.
German>English healthcare glossary, including useful regulatory entries.
Useful microbiology glossary in English: "A Quick and Dirty Reference to Terms Used in Molecular Biology."
Nice supplements to biochemistry lectures about recombinant DNA technology and related topics.
"Biotech Chronicles is a brief history of biotech discoveries which continue to influence the field today. We have included essays on genetics and DNA research, profiles of some of the influential individuals who have helped build the biotechnology industry, and an integrated series of time lines which provide an overview of biotechnology from a historical perspective." Good for background reading.
HEXAL Medical Dictionary. (German-English)
Dictionnaire de Bactériologie Vétérinaire. Michael Osmann found this useful French veterinary bacteriology dictionary.
Michael Osmann suggests this resource: "List of Prokaryotic Names with Standing in Nomenclature."
"A glossary of genetic terms from the DOE Human Genome Program."
European Environment Agency multilingual glossary: English definitions, equivalent terms in many languages relevant to environment/ecology.
Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics online.
Online version of Textbook of Small Animal Orthopaedics, C.D. Newton and D.M. Nunamaker (Eds.).
A Glossary of Terms for Agriculture, Agricultural Economics and Precision Farming (German-English). Michelle Asselin found Dorland's famous Illustrated Medical Dictionary online here. The tinyurl link gets you to the same place. Jacques Clau found this fishy site: "Click on one of the names (Flounder, Dogfish, Mahi-Mahi, Mullet...) and you get a beautiful page with photo, the name in Latin, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese; Description, Markets, etc." Dagmara Meijers-Troller says: "My search for a term about mattress construction landed me on an amazing site that is part dictionary, part tutorial, part discussion for biology, chemistry and equations (see links to partner sites at bottom of page)." Paul Frank found Avibase, "An extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over 1.9 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more."
I guess this belongs in the biology section, since mold is involved.... A nice glossary of cheese terms, discovered by Suzanne Bernard. Spanish-English dictionary for clinical laboratory work. Alexandra Scott found this interesting site that "translates 20 ISO Standards into plain English." Suzanne Bernard suggests this English<>French glossary from the Canadian Grain Commission. Alexandra Scott says there are "543 terms in six languages in this Word document from the 23rd Session of the Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum." The languages are English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic.
Michelle Asselin found this downloadable Lexique des Institus de recherche en santé du Canada/Canadian Institutes of Health Research Lexicon. (88 pages). Nice medical encyclopedia, in English with many articles also in Spanish and sometimes also in French. Just clicking on the language tab brings up the same page in the indicated language. Suzanne Bernard points to these two sites for the bird-friendly: The Audubon Society and The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. This is the time to mention that my mother was a proud graduate of John James Audubon grade school (for ages 6-13) and so was never without a bird field guide and a pair of binoculars. Very nice African Violet glossary suggested by Suzanne Bernard. Useful for other plants also. "Glossary of Histological and Micro-Anatomical terms (including historical origins and eponyms) compiled by Dr.Freeman." Also other useful related info about stains etc.
Excellent online study guide (English) intended as "a companion to the text Biology of Microorganisms, eighth edition by Madigan, Martinko, and Parker." PCR GLossary (English). Genetics glossary (English). Also links to introductory material on related topics.
Medical documents library in 20 languages. Translated forms to be completed and signed by patients who do not understand English. The translations are reasonably competent, as far as I was able to judge by the Spanish and Portuguese versions of some forms.
Suzanne Bernard found this EEA multilingual environmental glossary.
Susan Larsson found this: "A dictionary of over 70,000 medical, pharmaceutical, biomedical and healthcare acronyms and abbreviations. Plus medical news and searches for the medical, pharmaceutical or healthcare professional."
Michael Roehrig found this botanical glossary in Spanish (Glosario botánico).
Suzanne Bernard found this Encyclopédie Marine, including English > <French and French dictionaries and glossaries.
Michael Osmann found this gem for named medical conditions, including short descriptions. Michael says "This one is really great. Whether it's Rammazzini's syndrome or Aaron's sign, it's all here." From the site: " is a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms. It is our ambition to present a complete survey of all medical phenomena named for a person, with a biography of that person. Eventually, this will include more than 15000 eponyms and more than 6000 persons."
Michael Roehrig found this Spanish Biblioteca de Oftalmología, including links to medical encyclopedias, glossaries, dictionaries on opht |