Volume 13, No. 4 
October 2009

  Gabe Bokor

Front Page  
Select one of the previous 49 issues.

Index 1997-2009

TJ Interactive: Translation Journal Blog

  Translator Profiles
In Less Than Twenty Words!
by Pimpi Coggins
Gabe Bokor for ATA Treasurer
by Gabe Bokor

  From the Editor
The Big Five-O (bis)
by Gabe Bokor

  The Profession
The Bottom Line
by Fire Ant & Worker Bee
I Want the Credits for my Translation!
by Danilo Nogueira and Kelli Semolini

  Translators Around the World
The State of the Translation Industry in Saudi Arabia
by Afnan H. Fatani

  Cultural Aspects of Translation
Cross-Cultural Communication and Translation
by Forogh Karimipur Davaninezhad

  Translation Nuts and Bolts
How To Translate Personal Names
by Behnaz Sanaty Pour

  Medical Translation
'Death Panels'—Say What!!?
by Rafael A. Rivera, M.D., FACP

  Science & Technology
Translating a Patent: Translator's Templates
by Kriemhild (Karen) Zerling

  Legal Translation
Interdisciplinariedad y ubicación macrotextual en traducción jurídica
Dr. Fernando Prieto Ramos

  Translation and Politics
Revolutionary Struggle as a Counterpoint to Colonial Domination: Marathi Translations of Upton Sinclair and John Steinbeck
by Sunil Sawant

  Literary Translation
Teaching Evaluation of Classical Chinese Poetry Translation
by Chen Qiujin

  Book Review
A review of The Distaff & the Pen—French Women Poets of Nine Centuries, selected and translated by Norman R. Shapiro
by Robert Paquin, Ph.D.
A Comparative Review of Two Monolingual Dictionaries of the English Language
by Joana Rek-Harrop

  Translators' Tools
CAT Tools für Anfänger
von Lucia Gocci,
CAT Tools for Beginners
by Lucia Gocci, translated by Gabe Bokor
Translators’ Emporium

  Caught in the Web
Los otros asesores de los traductores y redactores médicos: Asociaciones, foros y blogs
M.ª Blanca Mayor Serrano, Ph.D.
Web Surfing for Fun and Profit
by Cathy Flick, Ph.D.
Translators’ On-Line Resources
by Gabe Bokor
Translators’ Best Websites
by Gabe Bokor

Call for Papers and Editorial Policies
  Translation Journal

Translator Profile

Gabe for ATA Treasurer

by Gabe Bokor

imes of economic crisis require leadership capable of efficiently managing ATA's $2.8 million budget. Times of dramatic changes in the translation industry require proven experience and dedication to the profession. I believe I have the qualities and background to serve ATA as its Treasurer in these challenging times.

I'm not only a man of "words" as a translator with ATA certification in four language combinations, but also a man of "numbers" with degrees in engineering and business administration. I've held executive positions, involving responsibility for budget and profitability, with three multinational companies and have successfully managed my own business for over 30 years. I can read and analyze financial statements, and I can look beyond the numbers to see the reality they reflect.

I have served ATA and the profession in a number of capacities ever since I joined the Association in 1978.

  • I was the first Administrator of the first ATA Division (the Sci-Tech Division);
  • I served as Ethics chair and was responsible for the Code of Professional Conduct and Business Practices which, with minor changes, is still in effect today;
  • I was Editor of the Sci-Tech Newsletter, which I upgraded to Sci-Tech Translation Journal;
  • I served three terms on the Board of Directors;
  • I served on numerous Committees such as Ethics, Honors and Awards, Rates & Quantification Guidelines, Voting Rights, Certification, and Computerized Certification Exam Task Force (as Chair). Currently I'm on the committee to update ATA's Code of Business Practices and Professional Conduct;
  • I pioneered translators' on-line networking on the Foreign Language Forum (FLEFO) of CompuServe and served as FLEFO's system operator (sysop);
  • I wrote numerous articles in the ATA Chronicle and the Sci-Tech Translation Journal about technical and business issues;
  • I gave lectures and moderated discussion panels on technical and business topics at ATA Conferences;
  • I served as an English-to-Portuguese grader for 25 years;
  • Since 1997 I've published the Web site you're looking at and made it into the number one on-line journal for translators. In 2004 I launched its companion Web site, the Translation Journal Blog, where important translators' issues are discussed and commented on by readers from all over the world.
In recognition of my contributions to ATA and the translation profession, in the year 2000 ATA awarded me its highest honor, the Gode medal. ATA members at large also appreciated my performance. In 1989, after the end of my first term as Director, I was reelected with the largest number of votes in a strong field of nine candidates. Again in 2006, running against three incumbents among others, I was the highest-voted candidate for the Board.

On the Board, I kept my campaign promise to defend the interests of the working translator. I also spoke out and voted for more open communications between the Board and the membership. Thus,

  • I spoke out for a Code of Professional Conduct and Business Practices that, while addressing the challenges of the 21st century, would protect translators against unscrupulous buyers, and for a fair and consistent enforcement of our Code;
  • To prevent the adoption of standards that favor large multinational translation companies by imposing costly and largely meaningless certification requirements on translation providers, I proposed, and the Board accepted, the inclusion of a representative of the freelance community in the Translation Standards Committee. The Committee is now instructed to report to the Board on its activities before a standard is adopted;
  • I proposed, and the Board accepted, a communications policy, which allows Board members to express their personal opinions about issues or discuss them with ATA members;
  • I succeeded in having the printing of the ATA Chronicle, a $200,000+ item in our budget, put up for competitive bidding for the first time;
  • I voted for ATA-supported member-to-member benefits and proposed preferential advertising rates in the Chronicle for such benefits;
  • I supported the efforts to further enhance and validate our Certification program.
My vote on the Board was always guided by what I perceived as the best interests of ATA and its members. My independence and dedication have earned me the respect of my fellow Board members, several of whom, together with a number of friends, encouraged me to run for Treasurer as a petitioned candidate. Having received signatures on my petition far in excess of the required number, including from past Presidents, current and past Board members, Honorary members, Gode medalists, committee chairs, and others, I'm now asking you for the opportunity to continue my work for the Association and its members as Treasurer.

If elected, I'll work hard to ensure that your dues money is used in the most cost-effective way to provide you with the benefits and protection you need. I will listen to your concerns and will welcome your suggestions to set priorities, reduce costs, and enhance revenues. I'm fully aware that ATA is your association managing your money. We can and should all work together to make sure that you get the best possible value for your dollars.

I hope you can come to ATA's 50th Anniversary Conference in New York in October and, if you are a voting member of ATA, vote for me in person. If you are a voting member but cannot come to the Conference, please send your proxy to a member of your confidence or to ATA Headquarters.

If you're a voting member of ATA, you should be receiving your proxy form with your September Chronicle. Or you can ask Headquarters to have it e-mailed to you. Follow the instructions on the proxy form for completing and delivering it to your proxy holder.

Thank you!

For more information, contact Gabe at gbokor@accurapid.com.

Gabe's full bio is available at http://accurapid.com/gabe.html.

See also Gabe's 2006 interview with Verónica Albin.

At the elections held in New York City on October 29, 2009, I was elected Treasurer of the American Translators Association.

My heartfelt thanks to all those who encouraged me before the elections, those who voted for me or otherwise supported my candidacy, and those who expressed or sent me their congratulations and good wishes after the elections. I will work hard to meet your expectations.