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The October 2014 edition of the Translation Journal features articles by authors hailing from France, China, Cameroon, Australia, Cuba, India, and the United Arab Emirates. While the term “cultural globalization” may be cliché of late, there is no denying the rapid increase of interconnectedness and interdependence present in our amazingly diverse world today. Here at the Translation Journal, we celebrate these new connections and take great pleasure in bridging geographical and geopolitical distances in order to help disseminate the ideas of authors from all around the globe, and we encourage everyone reading to participate in sharing your knowledge with the world.
One of the articles featured in this edition of the Translation Journal is “Ready . . . Steady . . . Translate in the Real World of UAE,” a study investigating the current state of undergraduate translation training programs offered by UAE universities. Click here to read.
This issue also includes a translator’s take on NAATI (the National Association of Translators and Interpreters), an Australian organization that provides accreditation to translators and interpreters. Accreditation is required for translators and interpreters working in certain fields in Australia, such as courts and government agencies, and other countries have similar requirements. The author writes about NAATI’s role in the current accreditation system, the inadequate training for translators and interpreters and the effects of NAATI’s intervention. Read about this author’s perspective here.
An article by Luis D. González and Glenda M. Mejía discusses how information-seeking, processing, and socializing are imperatives that no translator or interpreter can afford to overlook. Specifically, the article explores how information-based translation education pays off during real-world, on-the job training in translation and interpreting.
“Translation or Treason: On Translating the Third Code” explores the extent to which translators entrusted with the critical task of translating francophone literature written in a hybrid code need a translation model that is consonant with text typology.
This edition also includes an article by Dr. Sunil Sawant about Marathi Theater vis-à-vis American Theater.
Access to specialized glossaries is vital to the translating profession, and the Translation Journal is pleased to continue providing our readers with these valuable resources. This issue features “Green Chemistry Vocabulary.” Click here.
Finally, we are pleased to present a new installment of Fire Ant & Worker Bee column written by Chris Durban. Many readers say this column is always their first stop in a new issue of the Translation Journal. Chris is well known in the translation industry, and if you have not yet had the good fortune to experience her workshops or presentations, they are highly recommended – you will come away with new insights into and appreciation of the translation and interpreting business. Here is a link to Chris Durban and her activities. A link to the most recent edition of the Translation Journal can be found here.
The technology tip for this edition of the Translation Journal is an article about how to send large files over the Internet. The article covers three options: P2P, email service providers, and cloud services. Any one of these services can get the job done; the choice will depend on your particular project and personal preferences.
And, just for fun, we have put together a list of quirky gifts to give to your clients, family, and friends this holiday season. Why quirky? Well, we at the Translation Journal know how hard it can be to shop for those who already have everything – especially when you want to make an impression. And which gift would make you stand out more to a client: a Transmitting Sound Through Touch Device or socks? So, be memorable this holiday season! We hope you’ll enjoy these tips, and please feel free to share your own off-the-wall holiday gift ideas with us – the more eccentric, the better!
If you are interested in translation- and interpreting-related issues and culture, this edition of the quarterly Translation Journal will not disappoint!