Question and Answer
- What is your name?
- Where do you live?
- What made you decide to become a translator or interpreter?
- I have been a language teacher since the 80´s. Then I passed a test to be a Sworn Translator in my country and started working as a translator and interpreter as well. I am also a college professor and I teach translation and interpretation to graduate and undergraduate students.
- List one strength that you think sets you apart from your colleagues.
- I am proficient both in translation and interpretation. Most of my colleagues are superb translators but do not have the same skill in speaking.
- Name the one thing that you most enjoy in your translating or interpreting career.
- I most enjoy dealing with people and having the opportunity of learning something new everyday.
- We all have worked on those not-so-perfect assignments. Write about one such assignment that was not ideal and what you learned from it.
- Working with CAT Tools can be a nightmare when there is a bug in the system or it has not been well prepared by the project manager.
Working on Tag Editor, for example, is a pain. Sometimes CAT Tools jus deceive us, promising more productivity. Well... that depends.
- If you could go back in time to when you were just starting out as a translator or interpreter, what advice would you give to your younger self?
- Read more Academic Texts and start your Masters´ Degree project asap.
- Name one resource – such as a phone app, CAT tool, website, and so forth – that you find especially helpful in your translating or interpreting work.
- I usually make use of Online Dicitonaries and glossaries, SDL Trados Studio and Memo Q (pretty decent!).
- What's the best book you've read this year?
- The year has just started... but last year I read "Tradução, Teoria e Prática" by John Milton, my Master´s Professor.
A interpretação a tradução na mídia a historiografia da tradução os estudos sobre a política e a sociologia da tradução a tradução e adaptação e os estudos de corpora são áreas consideradas importantes dentro dos Estudos de Tradução e a cada uma delas se dedicam congressos teses livros e revistas acadêmicas. Esta obra reúne algumas das tendências e teorias da história da tradução e contém um capítulo que procura descrever os desdobramentos nos estudos desta área.